peacock eats poison,
transforms it into beauty—
thus I heard it said...
Once upon a time a group of people discovered a poisonous plant growing nearby. Fear rose in their hearts and they immediately wanted to uproot it and destroy it.
Another group came through and saw the poisonous plant and wanted to protect the people and the plant from harm by putting a fence around it.
Yet a third group came across this poisonous plant and were pleased, because they recognized that the poison could be transformed into powerful medicine.
Finally a peacock entered the garden and, on the spot, gobbled up the plant. The poison consumed was the source of its brilliant and beautiful plumage.
ordinary mind,
freely moving and at rest—
tree and squirrel play
on a woodland path,
eye to eye with sister owl—
hoo hoo hoo are you?
in the dreaming night,
form resting in vastness—
hoo hoo hoo are you?
on the clock of day,
whirlwind of endless doing—
hoo hoo hoo are you?
in the forest hut
of the inexpressible—
hoo hoo hoo are you?
now a moment's pause,
touching the heart of silence—
hoo hoo hoo are you?
at the heart of things
is something mysterious—
knowing of being,
crazy wisdom has one taste—
dharma gates boundless.
Thirty-five years ago today, on the Vernal Equinox,
I opened Crazy Wisdom Bookstore.
This morning the bell of remembrance rang.
May we all know the source of radiant awareness, the naturally pure luminosity of compassionate love, and recognize our true face.
all that comes and goes,
is born of your cosmic womb—
dark, radiant, source.
gratitude bone deep,
as I breathe the loss of you—
from my heart, I bow.
Swan/Hamsa gliding on Primordial Waters. All is accomplished.
(Photographed February 15, 2017)
In honor and blessed memory of my ever and always beloved teacher Gelek Rimpoche— a Supreme Swan.
October 26, 1939–February, 15, 2017
Om Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!