in liminal space,
betwixt and between—
blessings of summer solstice
A Universal story from the Zen tradition:
A horse came galloping at great speed down the road.
The person riding it appeared to have somewhere very important to go.
Someone standing alongside the road shouted out, "Where are you going?"
The one riding the horse replied, "I don't know! Ask the horse!"
let us pause and breathe
cultivating calm
wise action flows from clear space
looking out I see myself—
I see the Universe
by hatred
but by love alone
this is an ancient and eternal law
if you hate someone
it is your own life you destroy
(Bella Glaser, my mother, Holocaust survivor)
let no man pull you so low as to hate him
(Martin Luther King Jr.)
storm clouds gathering
brightness of being called forth
be fearless
choose love
sometimes connection is clear,
other times subtle—
it is here